Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Two year goal for Crookston!

The people of Crookston are speaking up about working together. And they are saying that Crookston is a great all-around place to be. As part of that vision, where do we want to be in two years? In two years, the next "bonding bill" year for the State Legislature, I want to see the "Northwest Centre for the Arts" or "Second Street Arts Centre" project successfully funded. OK, so we haven't even enjoyed our visit from "Artspace" yet I can see it, can you?

The former Wayne Hotel and former Cathedral on Ash Street are by now cleaned up through successful grant applications and donations. The spaces on the main floor of the Hotel and the former Cathedral will become working and performing art spaces for all kinds of artists, young and old: sculptors, pottery makers, metal workers, painters, musicians, actors,  photographers, video movie designers, and dancers, and the balance of funding will come from the State.

I've offered to Polk County free grantwriting services on the former Wayne Hotel for the roof and the clean up. I am already working on these grant apps for the Cathedral. In two years, I want to see Crookston written up in the news as a successful funded bonding bill project. We will need to drop our personal agendas and work together to make this happen, not just talk about it one way in public and another way in private.  Can we do that?  I have hope.

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